Fourth Quarter 2024 Earnings Call - February 13, 2025 - 10:00 AM MT
Critical First Link to LNG Supply: Gathering and Processing
Our network of low- and high-pressure gathering pipelines and compressor stations deliver gas to be processed at our 50/50 joint venture processing complex, the Sherwood and Smithburg processing complex. This complex, located in Doddridge County, WV, is the largest natural gas processing complex in North America.
Gathering and Processing Asset Highlights
As of December 31, 2023
Miles of gathering pipeline
Bcf/d compression capacity
The Largest Fresh Water Delivery System in Appalachia
We own and operate fresh water pipelines and storage facilities to support Antero Resources’ completion activity in the Marcellus and Utica Shales. Our water handling assets transport and recycle well flowback and produced water in an integrated closed-loop system, significantly reducing the number of trucks traversing local roads.
Water Handling
Miles of fresh water pipelines
Barrels of water storage
Bbl/d of wastewater recycling and reuse capacity